Terraforma is a Goan-Building Construction Partnership and enterprise aiming to fly high in our chosen field of activity with the combined experience of a quarter century amongst us three partners in building, marketing and interior designing.

Who We Are

Our name ‘Terraforma’ consists of two Latin words. Terra is land and Forma means appearance. Thus, transforming a land aesthetically beautiful. Terraforma is a Goan-Building Construction Partnership and enterprise aiming to fly high in our chosen field of activity with the combined experience of a quarter century amongst us three partners in building, marketing and interior designing.

Our existing connections and contacts were our inspiration to venture into a field to create a wealth of happy clientele. All people including suppliers of building materials, construction machineries, vendors and other support mechanisms and our own indefatigable staff proffer us a reservoir of confidence to undertake and execute bespoke residential projects as desired by our prospects and clients to their comprehensive satisfaction.


Our responsibility is to foster a culture of trust and caring to enhance safety and well-being of our employees and provide a sense of Opportunity, Belonging and Ownership. Our objective is to provide transparency in our engagements with stakeholders, and advocate responsible business practices.

Towards quality building we ensure to effectively implement Quality Management Systems as per quality standards to constantly improve our processes, products and services. We have registered our company under the, `Startup India` initiative, initiated by the Central Government to ensure transparency, adherence to compliance, learning through programs of sharing best practices, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Our Vision

Our goal is to build aesthetic looking residential homes such as homesteads, and condominiums with all trending amenities for leading modern lifestyle/ living standards at affordable price ranges.

While indulging in construction activity to provide a combination of both antique and current styles we would like to ensure that the environment is protected as best as humanly possible for our clients’ health, happiness and well-being.

Our Mission

Sustainable development is our principle motto while providing one of the most essential necessities in people’s lives. Water and energy conservation will always be our priorities at any cost as we ourselves are direly concerned of the damages inflicted to the environment by indiscreet players in all walks of life so far. We believe that each and every adult of today must protect the nature for the posterity.

Our Principle

Our EthosBuilding Sustainable Homes


‘Sustainable development is the masterful balance of meeting our own needs without jeopardizing future generations’ ability to do the same.’

We humans consume the earth’s capital more rapidly compared to nature’s capacity to regenerate itself. A sustainable home doesn’t erode the plants bio-capacity, but exists in harmony with it, and is thus able to ‘Sustain it’.

A simple way to increase a buildings carbon footprint is by ensuring it is well-insulated. This will reduce pressure heating and cooling systems and reduce the consequent pollution.

Our philosophy is to implement as many as energy-saving and Eco-friendly strategies when developing Sustainable Homes.

To strengthen our resolve, we have registered our company under the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) in order to execute and deliver what we say.

Green New Buildings can have tremendous benefits, both tangible and intangible. The tangible benefits are the reduction in water and energy consumption. Intangible benefits are enhanced air quality, excellent daylighting, safety measures and conservation of scarce national resources.
Thus, ‘Green construction’ refers to a structure and process that is environmentally responsible and resource – efficient throughout a building’s life cycle.

Rainwater Harvesting

Under the initiative of Green Building Movement, Rain-water harvesting will be a part of every project of our company going forward. By doing this, we can take control of water supply and replace all or at least a substantial portion of our water needs. Rain water harvesting systems can be configured to supply our whole house and/or our landscape needs. It is an excellent back-up source of water for emergencies.


As the world faces an increasingly critical need to address climate change, the impact the water conservation has on a sustainable environment is undeniable.
Our water resources are depleting each year. Additionally, we cannot generate artificial water and must depend on water source available on our planet earth. Water scarcity is felt all over the world. This has given rise to major concerns over water conservation.


Reduced Water Bills

Ecological Benefits

Reduces Erosion and flooding around buildings

Reduces demand on Ground Water


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
is also our top priority in order to ensure it benefits various communities at large. Our company aims to contribute towards inclusive growth by empowering communities and people who are deserving and needy. We shall leverage our strengths and capabilities towards this happiness delivering initiative. Our focus and efforts shall be to contribute towards better quality of life, mitigate social inequities and help individuals in identified communities to achieve their true potential.

About Goa

Goa attracts a large number of tourists from across the globe and is accessible through various international and domestic airports. Internationally Goa receives 500 plus charter flights from UK, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway and Finland.

Goa is a coastal state located in the western part of India. Goa is richly endowed with minerals such as iron ore, manganese, ferromanganese, bauxite and silica sand. Goa is also well connected through rail and road routes. The state has one of the highest per capita Net State Domestic Product in the country and has the 3rd highest literacy rate among Indian states. Its long history as a Portuguese colony prior to 1961 is evident in its preserved 17th century fascinating Churches and the area’s tropical spice plantations. Goa is also known for its pristine beaches, Goan cuisine, Museums & Galleries, Performing Arts, Portuguese Heritage, Rejuvenating Yoga Retreats and Wellness Resorts and of course its vibrant Nightlife. 

The Real Estate in Goa has always been on an incline in the past decade in spite of decline or stable markets across Pan-India. The return on investment is again much higher than the rest of the country being the tourist hotspot that it is.

News & Releases

Check out our news and releases. Perhaps you will find useful information for you.

Contact Us

297/2, Tambudki Waddo, In Lane of Resort Rio, Arpora, North Goa 403516
77 33 88 77 99
Mon – Sat  10AM to 6PM

    Our name ‘Terraforma’ consists of two Latin words. Terra is land and Forma means appearance. Thus, transforming a land aesthetically beautiful. Terraforma is a Goan-Building Construction Partnership and enterprise aiming to fly high in our chosen field of activity with the combined experience of a quarter century amongst us three partners in building, marketing and interior designing.